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Batch Thumbnail Generator

Batch Thumbnail Generator

Many times, when researching a larger project, I make smaller demos—to break up my workflow, and keep things fresh. The Batch Thumbnail Generator (BTG) is one of these offshoots, a sandbox for creating zip packages with the http://dev.w3 view website.org/2009/dap/file-system/file-writer.html”>BlobBuilder API, and Flash based download solutions—I also used BTG to create the thumbnails for the Software page (which didn’t quite justify the time invested).

BTG allows you to quickly produce .zip thumbnail packages;

  • Drag & Drop images into the browser.
  • Tug on the images to resize them, or enter a specific width & height.
  • Crop images “to fit”, or “to edges”, or not at all.
  • Center the image horizontally & vertically, or not at all.
  • Add a background color to your outputted images, or transparency.
  • Generate batches of thumbnails in “JPEG” or “PNG” format.
  • Special thanks to; JSZip, FileSaver, BlobBuilder, Downloadify and SWFObject!